Wednesday, May 31, 2017

No-Churn Keto Cookies & Cream Ice-Cream

I haven't done any guest posting for a while and I was excited to share my new ice-cream recipe with the very talented Brenda of Sugar-Free Mom! I have always admired Brenda's blog because it's one of the best sources of healthy low-carb & primal recipes.

To make this creamy No-Churn Keto Cookies & Cream Ice-Cream, I combined two of my recipes: Keto & Paleo Condensed Milk and a keto chocolate cookie that I used to make truffles in my Fat Bombs Book. The big advantage of this recipe is that you won't need an ice-cream maker, it's a simple no-churn technique!

You can check out my new No-Churn Keto Cookies & Cream Ice-Cream on Brenda's blog!

Nutritional values (per serving)
Total Carbs 5.4 grams
Fiber 0.9 grams
Net Carbs 4.5 grams
Protein 4 grams
Fat 37.1 grams
of which Saturated 26.1 grams
Energy 360 kcal
Magnesium 53 mg (13% RDA)
Potassium 239 mg (11% EMR)

Macronutrient ratio: Calories from carbs (5%), protein (4%), fat (91%)

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