Friday, May 19, 2017

Keto OS Before and After! Down 15lbs with this Crazy Orange Powder!

Keto OS helping another RN feel BETTER so she can help others become BETTER themselves! Love this story from Prüver, Becky Baker!

“I began drinking KetoOS on January 2, 2016, 5 days shy of the 29th anniversary of my back surgery. Pain is a way of life for me and has been since my spine fusion in 1987 due to severe scoliosis. My 40 degree thoracic curve is fused and my lumbar curve is 60 degrees and continuing to get worse. My cocktail of therapists include myofascial release, massage therapy, and a chiropractor. I have also utilized the expertise of acupuncture, cranial/sacral work, physical therapy, rolfing, and anti-inflammatory medication. None of it has helped me as much as Keto OS.

I originally began drinking pure therapeutic ketones to lose some weight, and I’ve lost 15 pounds and have gone from a size 14 to size 8 pants. Nearing my goal of a size 6! However, I never dreamed I would find my pain miracle in a crazy orange powder!

Not only has the fog been lifted from my head and I have more mental sharpness, but my pain level is cut in half! I can move better, I don’t hobble when I get out of bed in the morning, I can walk without pain more often than before, I have not taken any pain medication for my back, and I can cook dinner for my family without excruciating pain! Keto OS has truly given me a part of my life back that I thought was gone forever. My wish is to let everyone know what a dramatic impact Keto OS can have on your life. Don’t keep your dreams waiting! Get started!”

Becky, RN and Prüver

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Have Questions? Click live chat at the bottom of the screen!

Order KETO by phone – 1-855-KETONES (toll free)

KETO OS ships to the US, Canada, and Australia!

Comparing KETO OS and KETO MAX Formulas: What is the difference between Keto Max and Keto OS Orange Dream and Chocolate Swirl?

If you are having trouble deciding which version of Keto/os is right for you, please see my article here where I compare the different Keto/os formulas – Comparing Keto/os Products 

How is Keto/os taken? How often can I take Keto/os?

Keto/os is taken 1-2 times a day. Most people find that once a day is enough in the morning. Some also find they they like to have a second serving of Keto/os in the afternoon. I personally take a second serving in the afternoon for the extra energy it provides and the mental focus. I love how Keto/os makes me feel energized!

To take Keto, you simply mix it up with water and ice in a shaker bottle and drink it. People often ask me what they could mix their Keto/os with instead of just water. Keto/os can be mixed with any liquid that is sugar free. I recommend almond milk, coconut milk, LaCroix sparkling water (comes in many flavors) or anything else that is all natural and healthy. Check out KETO DRINK RECIPES!

When you start taking Keto/os you should begin with 1/2 a serving and increase to a full serving over the first week. Keto/os should be sipped over the course of an hour. The reason for this is most people aren’t used to taking a Ketone supplement, and our body needs an adjustment period to absorb the Ketones properly.

Drinking your Keto/os slowly will allow your body to maximize the benefits.

View complete -> tips and instructions on taking Keto/os

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