Monday, November 6, 2017

Kristina Lost over 100 pounds on Keto Without Exercising

Kristina, who recently shared her journey with losing 100 over pounds with POPSUGAR, adopted the ketogenic diet.

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She is proof that it all starts with a choice and a plan, her circumstances were not ideal to start, she dealt with the following life challanges:

  • A friend’s unexpected death
  • Quitting her job
  • And moving to a new graduate school program across the country
How it Started

A choice! And a Plan!

She points out “Don’t feel like you have to know EVERYTHING when you start. I’m still learning new things about keto now, three years in! Get the basics, and figure it out as you go.”

In March 2014 she researched Keto on  Reddit. After doing a few hours of research, she made the switch.

She made a plan and tracked her Keto Macros and said “Not everyone on keto tracks all their food, but it works for me”

Starting in at around 250 pounds, she hit 100 pounds weight loss on her 25th birthday (Nov. 4, 2016)

When she met her initial goal

Not everything always goes to plan and you may hover around a weight, and have a few set backs at times, I know this well, Kristina says “A few stumbles are bound to happen on any weight-loss journey, “but I’m back at it and super close to a new low weight.”

What Advice Does Kristina Offer

“Making it a habit. Eating low-carb just became . . . what I did. A habit. Same with going to the gym five times a week. It was hard to adjust at first, and there were lots of days that I just wanted to go home and be lazy, but I pushed myself to make it a habit. Now it feels weird NOT to go to the gym! I love the saying that’s something like, ‘People say motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.’ You have to make the choice to commit to it every day.”

For loosing weight found Tracking Food in Keto Helpful.

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For my first year I just focused on diet,  I knew that if I changed too much, too fast, I’d burn out and quit.

I drink at least a gallon of water a day, but don’t snack.

I’ve tried to cut out snacks since the beginning, because I much prefer having a full meal.

I shared my journey on Instagram and found it a huge motivator, for when i was ready for the gym.

Whats Next for Kristina

She is now focusing on her building muscle aspect of her journey and says:

“Right now I’m trying out new macros and going for high-protein, moderate-fat — I want to build muscles! But it’s still very low-carb.”

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Her Final piece of advice is “Don’t feel like you have to make a huge lifestyle change all at once. You don’t need to eat totally clean AND live in the gym AND get a Fitbit AND start juicing AND do a detox, or whatever. Start where you start. That’s better than nothing.”

The post Kristina Lost over 100 pounds on Keto Without Exercising appeared first on Keto Island.

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