Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Last Chance to Save 15% off Keto Products! A Few Hours Left!

15% OFF SALE on ALL KETO OS and KETO MAX products through my website TODAY ONLY!

keto os pruvit


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QUESTIONS?? LIVE CHAT is at the the bottom of the page!

Order by phone! Call us at 1-855-KETONES (1-855-538-6637) Toll free!

Not sure which version to pick? Check out my article ->  Comparing each KETO version!

Pruvit Review of each product:

Keto Kreme, Chocolate Swirl, Orange Dream and Keto Max Hawaiian Punch Available!

Pruvit Keto Review

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QUESTIONS?? LIVE CHAT is at the the bottom of the page!

Order by phone! Call us at 1-855-KETONES (1-855-538-6637) Toll free!

benefits keto

Find out more about –> Pruvit Keto/os Products

Read more –> Keto/os before and after pics


Keto Approved Chilli – Low Carb

Low carb, keto approved chilli is the best! My kids loved this recipe because they really like chilli with no beans! Great to feed a crowd, this is a winner!

Keto Chilli

Chilli is so good, especially this time of year when it’s cold outside and you need something hearty and filling to warm you up! Traditionally, chilli is high in carbs because of the beans in it. I’m not a big fan of beans so I definitely prefer keto chilli! It’s nice and thick and delicious! My kids loved this because they aren’t fond of beans either.

I made Keto Bread to go with this and my kids actually dipped their bread into the chilli. YUMMY! I toasted some of the bread in the frying pan and it went so well with the chilli. Next time I think I will use garlic butter. Who knew you could enjoy bread and chilli on a low carb diet? You can when it’s a keto approved recipe!

Chilli is great for a crowd. You can easily double the recipe to make extra. Another great reason to make extra is so that you can have leftovers. I love eating chilli the next day. it’s even better after all the flavors have had a chance to marinate together. This freezes well too for a quick supper idea another night. Just pop it int he fridge in the morning to thaw and heat for supper.

Feel free to add anything you feel is missing from this recipe and make it your own. You can add spices, extra veggies, anything you want. Use this recipe as a guideline and add what you normally like in chilli. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we did! I topped mine with sour cream and cheese.

We made this in the crockpot but you can make it on the stove top as well. If you are making it in the crock pot; add all ingredients after you brown the beef to the crockpot and cook on low for 4-6 hours.

More Pruvit & Keto friendly –> RECIPES

See more Keto/os –> Before and After Reviews



Keto Bread – Gluten Free – Low Carb

This is the best keto bread recipe for your ketogenic lifestyle! Easy to make and tastes amazing, especially toasted with some butter on it!

Keto Bread

When people start a low carb or ketogenic lifestyle I find one of the food s they miss the most is BREAD. Bread plays such a big role in the typical high carb diet and is one of the foods that increases glucose levels in our body and isn’t very healthy at all. If you are trying to lose weight, it can be very difficult if you eat bread.

So what do you do when you have that craving for bread and you are doing low carb? You make KETO bread!

Keto bread is actually better then you might think. I toasted mine, as you can see in the pic above. I love it toasted and I didn’t use a toaster to do this. I toasted it in a frying pan for a few minutes on each side with a little butter on it to help it brown. It turned out perfect! You can add peanut butter, butter or even an egg to the top after you toast it. You can also make yummy low carb sandwiches out of keto bread. It can also be used to make croutons for salads or breadcrumbs for recipes. The possibilities are endless.

Keto bread is very easy to make and only calls for a few ingredients. You will need to find a store that sells almond flour. It is becoming more common to see various kinds of flour sold in stores now as many people discover they have issues with eating gluten. Almond flour is gluten free.

Each slice of this bread has 1.35 grams of net carbs so it perfect for your keto approved food list.

My kids tried the bread the other night with low carb chilli and they really liked it! They actually dipped it into their chilli! YUMMY!

Keto bread stores well in the fridge and can be frozen as well. Slice it as you go so it stays fresh! Enjoy!

Recipe note: When mixing ingredients do not over mix. You want your Keto bread to be light and airy!

Nutrition for Keto Bread:

Calories: 90
Fat: 8g
Protein: 4g
Carbs: 2.25g
Fiber: 0.9g
Net Carbs: 1.35g

Best Keto Bread

More Pruvit & Keto friendly –> RECIPES

See more Keto/os –> Before and After Reviews


New Keto Max Swiss Cacao Drink Is Available Now For a Limited Time!

New KETO MAX Swiss Cacao is now available! The wait is over for this delicious chocolate drink! Get your chocolate KETONES and fuel up! Feel the energy!

keto max swiss

Keto Max Swiss Cacao is available for a limited time. It is the charged (caffein) version that is available. Orders placed will ship March 16th.

Place your order now to get an EXCLUSIVE Screening of the charged Swiss Cacao Max.

The official launch is not expected to happen until April/May 2017 so now is your chance to stock up!

Keto Max pricing and availability:

Keto max Swiss Cacao is available in 100 serving size packs ONLY at this time.

Smaller packs will be available when it officially launches! 

Keto Max Swiss Cacao Pricing

To place your order please login to your cloud – >> LOGIN HERE

Order Keto Max Swiss Cacao by phone:  1-855-KETONES (1-855-538-6637) Toll Free

Questions? Check out the live chat at the bottom of the screen!

Looking to order a smaller size pack of KETO OS or Keto Max

Orange Dream, Chocolate Swirl, Hawaiian Punch available

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How is Keto Max Different?

Keto Max gives you a faster spike in Ketosis and a longer experience in ketosis. You will definitely feel the difference when you drink Keto Max!

KETO//OS Bio Max is formulated so that your body can absorb roughly 40% more of the beta hydroxybutyrate ketone. Like the 3.0 Chocolate Swirl, Keto Max does not contain any MCT oil. It is gluten-free, dairy free and vegan.

Packaging: TBA

It comes in two versions, the “Charged” version, which has about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee and the “Non-Charged” or non-caffeinated version. Both work well but the Non-Charged is best for children or people who are sensitive to caffeine.

How to mix it: Mix Max with water and ice to get a chocolate milk flavor! Can be heated to create a hot chocolate like experience. (Do not heat in microwave)

Keto Max Swiss Cacao INGREDIENTS:

Beta Hydroxybutyrate, Erythritol, L-Taurine, Fermented L-Leucine, Cocoa powder, Natural Flavor, Sevia, Xanthan Gum, Sea Salt, Caffeine‡

‡Caffein equal to an average cup of coffee (comes in caffein free version)

Keto/os review from Doctor Heather, with a description of each Keto product. She compares the Keto/os formulas (2.1 Keto Orange Dream vs 3.0 Chocolate Swirl). She also compares the benefits of Keto Max vs Keto/os.

Order Keto/os Orange Dream, Chocolate Swirl and Keto Max Hawaiian Punch here:

Pruvit Keto Review

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Have Questions? Click live chat at the bottom of the screen!

Order KETO by phone – 1-855-KETONES  (toll free)

Keto OS is available in the US, Canada and Australia 

Find out more about –> Pruvit Keto/os Products

Read more –> Keto/os Reviews and Before and Afters


Monday, February 27, 2017

Professional Athletes and Body Builders Love KETO OS

I’m blown away at how great I feel. My stiffness and achiness is GONE! I am recovering from workouts like never before.

keto body building

Pruvit’s Keto OS is being used by many professional athletes and body builders!

“I am a National Masters Figure Champion and INBA Masters Figure Pro. I’m also a gym owner, trainer and nutrition coach. I’ve been using Keto OS for about a month and a half and I’m blown away with the results. Here’s my testimonial…

Over the last few years I’ve been dealing with low energy and aches throughout my body, specially in my joints. My aching joints have gotten progressively worse over the last year. I live a very active life as a trainer and figure competitor. I would feel ok during workouts but as the day would progress I felt stiff and achy all over. I’m 52 and felt like I was 82 most days. I felt like I could never fully recover from my workouts. I also had other physical issues going on so I went to a specialist to determine if I had some disease. My blood work came back negative for that. The Dr said to just keep doing what I was doing (eating healthy and staying active) and that’s about all I could do since I told him I didn’t want to take any prescription medication.

Then in June I did a Rugged Maniac obstacle course race and came across a booth for KETO OS. I had heard about it online a couple of months before and what caught my attention was that it would put you into ketosis in under 60 min. I was very familiar with a Ketogenic diet as I followed one to cut my body fat for my figure competition. When I followed the diet my arthritis seemed to bother me less but after my show I had a hard time sticking the diet. So I tried the KETO OS for myself because I was a little skeptical. Within the first few days I felt more energy than I had in years- so much so that I didn’t have to take an afternoon power nap. I also tested to see if I really had elevated ketones in my system and much to my amazement I did! Using KETO OS has made it much easier to follow a low carb, high fat diet because I have no cravings and I’m not hungry all day long like I used to be. Fast forward to a month and a half later and I’m blown away at how great I feel. My stiffness and achiness is GONE! I am recovering from workouts like never before. I even tested it out by going for a 6 mile run for the first time in over 6 months. Not only did I feel great but I had more endurance than I felt in a long time. Normally I would be feeling stiffness in my hips and my body would be sore and tight. Well I did not have ANY tightness or soreness. I am truly amazed!!! I haven’t felt this good in as long as I can remember!! Thank God for this amazing supplement!”
– Darla, I Prüvit EVERYDAY!

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Have Questions? Click live chat at the bottom of the screen!

Order KETO by phone – 1-855-KETONES (toll free)

KETO OS ships to the US, Canada, and Australia!


Pruvit Referrer code skinnydrink (all one word)

If you are having trouble deciding which version of Keto/os is right for you, please see my article here where I compare the different formulas – Comparing Keto/os Products

Find out more about –> Pruvit Keto/os Products

Read more –> Keto/os before and after pics


Disclaimer: All opinions expressed here are those of the author. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide individual medical advice. Material found herein is not intended as, and does not substitute for, a personalized doctor-patient relationship.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Prüvit products are not intended to diagnose prevent treat or cure any disease. If you are under medical supervision for any allergy, disease, taking prescription medications or you are breastfeeding contact your medical provider before adding any new supplements to your daily regimen.


Keto Sale Extended Until the End of February!

15% OFF SALE on ALL KETO OS and KETO MAX products through my website TODAY and TOMORROW ONLY!

keto sale


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QUESTIONS?? LIVE CHAT is at the the bottom of the page!

Order by phone! Call us at 1-855-KETONES (1-855-538-6637) Toll free!

Not sure which version to pick? Check out my article ->  Comparing each KETO version!

Pruvit Keto Review

Keto OS product Review

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QUESTIONS?? LIVE CHAT is at the the bottom of the page!

Order by phone! Call us at 1-855-KETONES (1-855-538-6637) Toll free!

Find out more about –> Pruvit Keto/os Products

Read more –> Keto/os before and after pics


Sunday, February 26, 2017

New Upgrade Path for KetoDiet Basic (iOS)

Hi Friends, I have great news for you!

With our major iOS update in January, we've made KetoDiet a universal app on the iPhone and iPad. All features of the iPad version are supported on the iPhone, including planning & tracking features.

Our next milestone was to provide an upgrade path for KetoDiet Basic and we've accomplished that in our upcoming release that will be out in the next few days! What this means is that if you have KetoDiet Basic, you can enable all the advanced features without having to buy KetoDiet.

What are the Advanced Features in KetoDiet Basic? Tracking, Planning & Monitoring

Planning and tracking your diet, monitoring your progress, creating custom meals, custom ingredients, searching through restaurant meals, etc.

Data Sync for iOS Devices

You can sync data across multiple devices. We have developed our own data sync solution and in the near future, we will enable our users to sync between KetoDiet and KetoDiet Basic across all platforms (iOS and Android). Currently, data syncing is only enabled for KetoDiet iOS.

Integrated Keto Calculator

Our Keto Calculator is fully integrated into the planner to help you calculate your ideal macros based on your goals and help you stay on track.

How Much Does the Upgrade Cost?

To enable the advanced features in KetoDiet Basic, you have to make a one-off purchase. We always aim to charge a fair price. The cost of the upgrade reflects the difference between the price of KetoDiet (fully featured app) and KetoDiet Basic, plus a small fee of $1 USD to reflect the work we've done to make KetoDiet Basic upgradable.

What if I don't want to enable the advanced features?

Let's make this clear: you don't have to upgrade. We know it's a popular request by KetoDiet Basic users to be able to enable them. For that reason, we made this option easily accessible on the main menu. However, if you choose not to upgrade, that option will be hidden. If at any point you change your mind, you will be able to find the Upgrade option again in Settings.

How Much Will Any Upcoming Updates Cost?

All updates are and will remain free. However, as I explained in this post in detail, to keep this project sustainable, we will adjust the overall pricing to reflect our continuous development and maintenance costs. Any pricing changes will not affect those of you who already own our app and optional recipe packages. This will only have an impact on those who will buy the app and/or optional recipe packages in the future.

The pricing is going to change once the new version of KetoDiet Basic is out (within the next few days):

  • The current price of the fully-featured KetoDiet app is $4.99 USD. The new price will be $6.99 USD
  • The price of KetoDiet Basic will remain the same at $1.99 USD
  • To enable all advanced features in KetoDiet Basic: $4.99 USD
  • The current price of the recipe packages is $0.99 USD (per package of 30+ recipes each and counting as we keep adding new recipes). The new price will be $1.99 USD.
Isn't your App too expensive?

A complex app like KetoDiet takes a lot of time and effort to develop, in fact, a lot more than any cookbook, yet as a result of the current situation on the app market, apps in general are massively underpriced. Charging a fair price is the only way to keep this project going.
What's Next? Next Updates (March-April 2017):
  • Enhance warnings/stats for meeting macronutrient targets
  • Copy & paste planner meals for quick planning
  • Universal search across all recipes when adding them to the Planner (blog meals, KetoDiet meals, custom meals, etc)
  • Adding "favorites" to the Planner so you can quickly add frequently used meals
  • Multi-user account support with data sync and fast user switching. This feature will be free for the first account. Any additional accounts will be available to buy for $0.99 USD per month to cover the cost of processing and storing the additional data on our servers.
Upcoming Updates in 2017:
  • Barcode scanning. We strive for quality, not quantity. Accuracy is your key priority and unlike all other apps, we won't be using a crowdsourced database - we will use a verified database.
  • Adding new restaurant chains to our database to quickly find keto-friendly options when eating out
  • Adding new meals into the Starter pack and existing optional recipe packages (once you get any package, any recipes added in the future are always free!)
  • Data export, especially progress stats
  • Apple Watch support
  • Activity tracking & Health App integration
  • Ketone tracking, glucose tracking, and more tracking options
  • Integration with KetoDiet meal plans (free and premium 7-day, 14-day and 28-day diet plans directly in the Planner with just one click)
  • KetoDiet Challenges & community integration
  • Add recipe user notes in custom meals so that you have all you need to make your favourite recipe
  • New recipe packages - requested by users (American Favorites, Vegetarian Recipes, Easy & Simple 2nd Edition and Keto Treats)

The features are driven by your feedback! Feel free to leave a comment if you have anything else you would like us to add and if it's something we can do, we'll do our best to implement it in future updates.

How About Android?

We've been working on the fully featured KetoDiet Android app and we expect to release it in mid 2017. As with all software, it's very hard to give precise estimates and KetoDiet is a fairly complex app.

We should be able to start beta-testing in the next few months and will notify everyone who's included. If you wish to be included, please, send us an e-mail via this form - leaving a comment below won't work, you need to send us an e-mail.

Want to help us take KetoDiet to the next level?
If you find our Apps useful, please, leave a review on the AppStore/ Google Play. It's the best thing you can do to support us. Thank you!


Keto Steak-Rollup’s

This is a super easy, delicious treat for lunch, dinner or just snacking. Packed with healthy fats and protein and full of amazing flavor!


Another Keto approved recipe that is simple to make and so YUMMY!! I love following a ketogenic lifestyle because there is so much variety and there are so many health benefits! This, along with drinking my Keto os is awesome! I feel more energy, mental clarity, reduced fat and much more!

More Pruvit & Keto friendly –> RECIPES

See more Keto/os –> Before and After Reviews


Last Day to Save 15% off ALL KETO Products!

15% OFF SALE on ALL KETO OS and KETO MAX products through my website TODAY! LAST DAY!

Kato Sale


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QUESTIONS?? LIVE CHAT is at the the bottom of the page!

Order by phone! Call us at 1-855-KETONES (1-855-538-6637) Toll free!

Not sure which version to pick? Check out my article ->  comparing each KETO version!

Pruvit Keto Review

Keto OS product Review

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QUESTIONS?? LIVE CHAT is at the the bottom of the page!

Order by phone! Call us at 1-855-KETONES (1-855-538-6637) Toll free!


KETO OS Hot Chocolate Swirl Recipe

WOW who knew you could make a yummy hot chocolate drink out of Keto OS Chocolate Swirl? This is one of the best recipes to mix your KETO OS!

Keto OS Hot Chocolate Swirl

I keep getting requests for drink recipes to make your KETO OS so here is another amazing recipe that tastes great! If you like chocolaty drinks this one is for you!

It’s better to heat this up slowly rather then to heat it on high. It only takes a few minutes on medium heat to heat it up. Do not heat in a microwave.

What is KETO OS?

KETO//OS® (Ketone Operating System) is a revolutionary drink mix based on a proprietary ketone energy technology. It delivers advanced macro nutritionals and promotes optimized cellular regeneration, energy and longevity.

KETO OS Chocolate Swirl tastes like a tootsie roll and offers so many amazing health benefits! Promotes optimized cellular regeneration, energy and longevity.

What Makes Chocolate Swirl Different:
  • gluten-free, dairy free and vegan.
  • Added probiotic which is a food source for the good bacteria in the gut making them stronger and also helps with gastro intestinal upset.
  • Great for after workout recovery.
  • Added Ketogenic Amino Acids and Short Chain Fatty Acids which use the same transporters as ketones so you’re getting that same direct quick uptake into your syste
  • Ratio of BHB salts for faster peak into the system which creates sustained ketone levels throughout the day

If you haven’t ordered your Chocolate Swirl yet you can order here:

button order keto

Have Questions? Click live chat at the bottom of the screen!

Order KETO by phone – 1-855-KETONES  (toll free)

Chocolate Swirl is available in the US, Canada and Australia 

More Pruvit recipes made with -> KETO OS 

More Pruvit & Keto friendly –> RECIPES


Buttery Garlic Spinach With Bacon

Now here’s a healthy dish that’s keto friendly, low carb and absolutely delicious! Enjoy this as a great side to any meal and enjoy these tasty greens!

Bacon Spinach

Spinach with garlic and bacon is such a flavorful dish that goes with pretty much anything to make a fantastic keto approved meal! This only takes a few minutes to prepare and is very easy!

I use my Easy Oven Method to cook my bacon in the oven beforehand. It’s so easy and the best way, in my opinion to cook it. You can also buy pre-cooked bacon for this if you prefer or bacon bits.

Spinach is very healthy and a great addition to your meal plan. Enjoy!

More Pruvit & Keto friendly –> RECIPES

See more Keto/os –> Before and After Reviews


Saturday, February 25, 2017

KETO OS & Thyroid Removal – Does Keto OS Work With Hormone Issues?

I had my thyroid removed at 17 due to thyroid cancer. I have battled with very low energy, anxiety, depression and weight issues most of my adult life!

keto os pruvit thyroid

I had no idea how good I could feel… Do you remember having that realization for yourself? Check out this BETTER story from Prüver, Sharalea!

“I am a wife and a mother of two very busy kids and an entrepreneur at heart! Thank you to Prüvit my life has changed and I want to share with you my Prüvit story!

I had my thyroid removed at 17 due to thyroid cancer. No thyroid means permeant thyroid hormone replacement and monitoring of those hormone levels for the rest of my life. I have battled with very low energy, anxiety, depression and weight issues most of my adult life! September 2015 I had enough and decided to investigate a few clinics for hormones and weight-loss. I was done being grumpy at 7 p.m. at night because I am so tired! I was done feeling like crap! I was DESPERATE!!! Before I went and spent tons of money at this clinic my friend shared with me KETO OS and I thought why not! I tried it and within a few days I noticed something different. Energy was better….another few more days my appetite was less….a few more days later I didn’t want that sugary snack or those chips…every day it kept getting better! Now looking back 8 months ago, I am amazed what has changed! I feel amazing with tons of energy! I am healthier and stronger! I feel mentally clear and focused! I feel unstoppable! I am HAPPY!

But most importantly my kids say I am a better MOM! Taking pure therapeutic ketones is a game changer. It has changed my LIFE! I had no idea how good I could feel! Thank you Prüvit for this amazing product of Pure Therapeutic Ketones!

My Name is Sharalea and I AM PRUVING IT EVERYDAY!”

button order keto

Have Questions? Click live chat at the bottom of the screen!

Order KETO OS by phone – 1-855-KETONES (toll free)

KETO OS ships to the US, Canada, and Australia!


Pruvit Referrer code skinnydrink (all one word)

Work From Home Opportunity with Pruvit

Pruvit is providing an opportunity to become a Pruvit Promoter and finally secure your financial independence. It is 100% FREE to become a Pruvit promoter! Yes, I said FREE! Most people want to try product before they start promoting it, but there is an opportunity to sign up without even purchasing anything. If you decide to purchase product you can become a promoter for free at the same time. If you want to become a customer right now, that’s ok, it’s still free to upgrade to a promoter at any time!

I am looking for people in the US, Canada and Australia who want to promote Keto os. Free training and support provided. Anyone can do this!

 Join Pruvit Now Button

Have Questions? Click live chat at the bottom of the screen!

More Pruvit & Keto friendly –> RECIPES

See more Keto/os –> Before and After Reviews


Disclaimers: The information provided herein should not be considered as a substitute for the advice of a medical doctor or other healthcare professional. Furthermore, although several scientific studies have been conducted on the effects of Ketones, neither Ketones, nor any product shared in this testimonial have not been evaluated by Health Canada nor by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. KETO//OS is not a weight loss product and individual results for fat loss will vary depending upon the diet and exercise.


Keto Chocolate Swirl Mudslide

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere! Enjoy this tasty Keto OS Chocolate Swirl Mudslide recipe! So delicious and the perfect way to satisfy your chocolate craving with healthy KETONES!

Keto Mudslide

Looking for a new recipe for your KETO OS Chocolate Swirl? This one is a winner! It will definitely satisfy that chocolate craving and give you lots of energy to get through your day! You can use any kind of almond milk as long as it’s unsweetened. I like unsweetened chocolate almond milk.

KETO//OS® (Ketone Operating System) is a revolutionary drink mix based on a proprietary ketone energy technology. It delivers advanced macro nutritionals and promotes optimized cellular regeneration, energy and longevity.

KETO OS Chocolate Swirl tastes like a tootsie roll and offers so many amazing health benefits! Promotes optimized cellular regeneration, energy and longevity.

What Makes it Different:

  • gluten-free, dairy free and vegan.
  • Added probiotic which is a food source for the good bacteria in the gut making them stronger and also helps with gastro intestinal upset.
  • Great for after workout recovery.
  • Added Ketogenic Amino Acids and Short Chain Fatty Acids which use the same transporters as ketones so you’re getting that same direct quick uptake into your syste
  • Ratio of BHB salts for faster peak into the system which creates sustained ketone levels throughout the day

If you haven’t ordered your Chocolate Swirl yet you can order here:

button order keto

Have Questions? Click live chat at the bottom of the screen!

Order KETO by phone – 1-855-KETONES  (toll free)

Chocolate Swirl is available in the US, Canada and Australia 

More Pruvit recipes made with -> KETO OS 

More Pruvit & Keto friendly –> RECIPES


Friday, February 24, 2017

Is Protein in Keto important?

Protein is an essential macronutrient and comes from the greek word Proteos meaning The Most Important one. Protein is everything your body is made from, from your hair, bones, organs, skin; even peptide hormones are made out of protein.

Many people believe that a ketogenic diet is a high-protein diet. This is a myth, a ketogenic diet balances a moderate level of protein with lowered carbohydrates and is high in healthy fats.

Many people also believe that excess protein just turns into sugar in the body. This is also a myth, as it is very dependent on context. We see people throwing around the word HIGH protein around stocking fear in others, without even defining what HIGH protein is:

This leads to many questions:

What is the ideal protein intake? How much is too low protein? Does the amount of protein I eat in one meal matter? Why is too much protein dangerous?

In order to answer these frequently asked questions it is important to be aware of the variation in dietary protein intake, even the differing views discussed amongst the expects in the known community.

I belive in order to establish optimal values in protein intake we need to take into account many seemly  differing expert opinions, to build a complete clearer picture on what optimal protein levels are.

I want to bring to the table 9 experts known within the health community, to weigh in on the discussion of protein:

Dr Jason Fung /  Dr Stephen Phinney / Dr Ron Rosedale / Dr Donald Layman / Dr. Layne Norton

Dr. Robert Heaney / Menno Henselmans / Dr Réjeanne Gougeon / Dr Richard Bernstein

Dr Jason Fung on Nitrogen Balance

Dr. Jason Fung is a nephrologist (kidney specialist) and Program Medical Director at Intensive Dietary Management and practices at Scarborough General Hospital at Ontario, Canada.

During October 2016 Jason teamed up with Jimmy Moore to write The Complete  Guide to Fasting which captures Jason’s extensive thoughts on fasting from the blog along with Jimmy’s n=1 experiences.

Controversy arose in the LCHF and Keto community in regards to the lower/higher levels of protein, so Dr Fung wrote an extensive blog post on his intensive dietary management website called, How much protein is excessive?

Dr Fung’s protein recommendations are built around the the minimal RDI levels of Nitrogen balance without loss of lean mass, and states the following:

“In 1985, the WHO reviewed studies of daily obligatory losses of nitrogen, and found that an average is 0.61 g/kg/day (total). Presumable, the diet should replace (roughly) this 0.61 g/kg/day being lost. Remember, this average is for normal healthy people, not people losing muscle or otherwise sick. So the international group recommended that normal healthy people should get roughly 0.6g/kg/day. In order to make sure everybody was covered, the WHO added 25% (2 standard deviations) above the mean to get 0.75 g/kg/day which sometimes gets rounded up to 0.8 g/kg/day. In other words, 97.5% of the healthy general population loses less than this 0.75 g/kg/day of amino acids. This is not a low standard. This is a very, very high standard of protein intake.” – Dr Fung

Why do we look at Nitrogen as important? The main reason why medical professionals talk about it, is it’s an excellent laboratory tracker to measure protein loss from the body. This is because compared to the other macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) which contain a carbon, hydrogen and oxygen molecule, protein is the only macronutrient that also contains an additional nitrogen molecule.  By getting people to study and carefully counting all the nitrogen content of foods and comparing it to the amount of nitrogen balance they find three different results:

Positive Nitrogen Balance: Nitrogen intake is greater than nitrogen output. Essentially, this is the body’s anabolic (build) state.

Negative Nitrogen Balance: If your nitrogen loss is greater than your nitrogen intake. Not only is nitrogen drawn away from muscle, where it is needed for growth, it is also taken from the vital organs where serious damage can occur. Of course, negative nitrogen balance also destroys muscle and is consequently considered a catabolic state.

Equilibrium: This is the the state you want at a very minimum – where nitrogen intake and loss are equal. In this state you won’t be able to build muscle but you also will not be in a catabolic state.

Then taking the protein levels from Dr Fung’s blog, we get his following protein recommendations, and catchphrases, from his clinical experience:

Dr Stephen Phinney on optimum therapeutic window

Dr. Stephen D. Phinney is a Professor of Medicine Emeritus at UC-Davis. He is on the editorial board of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

He has twenty-five years of clinical experience as a director of multidisciplinary weight management programs and has contributed to books and peer reviewed articles and is an expert in low carb nutrition and metabolism, fatty acids, inflammation, and the metabolic syndrome.

He is now devoting his time to Virta Health, formed by scientists on a mission to cure the most complex chronic diseases, operating in downtown San Francisco.

According to Dr Steve Phinney’s chart below, a “Well formulated ketogenic diet” (WFKD) contains between 3 and 20% carbohydrates and between 10 and 30% protein.

In regards to defining optimal protein levels in a ketogenic diet,  Dr Phinney says in the Nutrition & Metabolism:

“The third dietary factor potentially affecting physical performance is adjusting protein intake to bring it within the optimum therapeutic window for human metabolism. The studies noted herein [13, 14, 15, 20] demonstrate effective preservation of lean body mass and physical performance when protein is in the range of 1.2 – 1.7 g/kg reference body weight daily, provided in the context of adequate minerals. Picking the mid-range value of 1.5 g/kg-d, for adults with reference weights ranging from 60–80 kg, this translates into total daily protein intakes 90 to 120 g/d. This number is also consistent with the protein intake reported in the Bellevue study [9]. When expressed in the context of total daily energy expenditures of 2000–3000 kcal/d, about 15% of one’s daily energy expenditure (or intake if the diet is eucaloric) needs to be provided as protein.”

For performance it was found that if the protein was too low then “The effects of reducing daily protein intake to below 1.2 g/kg reference weight during a ketogenic diet include progressive loss of functional lean tissue and thus loss of physical performance, as demonstrated by Davis et al [21]. In this study, subjects given protein at 1.1 g/kg-d experienced a significant reduction in VO2max over a 3 month period on a ketogenic diet, whereas subjects given 1.5 g/kg-d maintained VO2max.”

Yet if protein was increased too high issues are also seen “At the other end of the spectrum, higher protein intakes have the potential for negative side-effects if intake of this nutrient exceeds 25% of daily energy expenditure. One concern with higher levels of protein intake is the suppression of ketogenesis relative to an equicaloric amount of fat (assuming that ketones are a beneficial adaptation to whole body fuel homeostasis). In addition, Stefansson describes a malady known by the Inuit as rabbit malaise [8]. This problem would occur in the early spring when very lean rabbits were the only available game, when people might be tempted to eat too much protein in the absence of an alternative source of dietary fat. The symptoms were reported to occur within a week, and included headache and lassitude. Such symptoms are not uncommon among people who casually undertake a “low carbohydrate, high protein” diet.”

To close on protein intake on a ketogenic diet, Dr Phinney says “Too little or too much protein can be problematic in the keto-adapted state. Rather than consume large portions of meats or other protein foods, focus on small to moderate protein portions and combine them with generous portions of good sources of fat (e.g., sauces, butter, olive oil)”

Dr Ron Rosedale on mTor and Anti-aging

Ron Rosedale M.D. is a medical professional, specializing in nutritional and metabolic medicine whose key areas of work are diabetes and diet. He is also the author of book the Rosedale Diet. He is an alumnus of Northwestern University School of Medicine, 1977. He is based in Denver, Colorado

Many in the health community regard Dr Rosedale as an anti-aging expert and was one of the first to draw attention the importance of insulin in 1995. He is now focusing on the protein effect on mTOR in connection with insulin and aging.

Dr Rosedale protein recommendations are clinically focused on mTOR/insulin on diabetes and aging.

He highlights “One of the primary problems with excess protein or amino acids is that it stimulates mTOR, which stimulates growth rather than regeneration.  Fat calories did not stimulate mTOR, leptin or insulin. They were essentially metabolically free calories.”

Rosedale found a diet high in healthy fats that worked quite well for diabetes and heart disease patients. Over time, he discovered that restricting protein was another important factor that could affect health, and even more specifically, the aging process.

So bundling his clinical experience while also considering the prospect of longevity Dr Rosedale says “For people, I’ll put on .7 or .75 grams per kilogram of lean body mass. But if I’ve got a diabetic, and I really want to reverse their aging, which means reverse their diabetes, because diabetesis a model of aging, I’ll put them down to 0.5 or 0.6 grams per kilogram of lean body mass per day.”

In 2016, Rosedale feels that cutting down to 0.75 grams per kilo of lean body mass may actually be a more ideal amount for everyone, and also says you could even go below that because your body will conserve protein when you suppress mTOR and increase maintenance and repair. [YoutTube]

In the past Dr Dr Rosedale said that “on average, you want to have approximately one gram of protein for every kilogram of lean body mass (that is, the weight of your body minus the fat – we all have some fat). The easiest way to calculate your daily protein requirement is to take your ideal weight in kilograms (that is, what you would like to weigh if you could weigh anything) and have roughly one gram of protein per kilogram, minus 10%.“

Then taking the protein levels from Dr Rosedale we get his follow protein recommendations, the higher ends are from his previous recommendations:


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Fat-Burning Vanilla Smoothie

Smoothies are a convenient breakfast meal when you're short on time, or you just feel like having a treat for breakfast! :-)

I'd like to thank Vicky and Rami of Tasteaholics for reviewing my new Fat Bombs book and for sharing one of the 100+ keto & paleo recipes! You can find Vicky's review and my Fat-Burning Vanilla Smoothie at Tasteaholics.

This smoothie contains dairy but you can easily make it dairy-free by replacing mascarpone with creamed coconut milk.

Nutritional values (per serving):
Total Carbs 4.1 grams
Fiber 0 grams
Net Carbs 4.1 grams
Protein 12.2 grams
Fat 64.3 grams
of which Saturated 46.2 grams
Energy 651 kcal
Magnesium 3 mg (36% RDA)
Potassium 40 mg (27% EMR)

Macronutrient ratio: Calories from carbs (1%), protein (4%), fat (95%)


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